Harambe Today

Harambe is a diverse combination of old and new. The town's seal combines images of lions and a shield with a machine gear and the word "Enterprise," bridging heritage and progress. Old Town Harambe is the traditional historic district which is most appealing to visitors. Here is where locals dress in tribal garb, artists sell their wares, and safari touring companies compete for eco-tourism dollars. Meanwhile, New Town Harambe (located further up Sokoni Road and not actually part of the theme park land of Africa) is a modern metropolis and the seat of government for the Republic of East Africa.

Throughout Old Town Harambe are signs of the city's history and diverse cultural make-up. Signs appear in both Swahili and English. A minaret (above) stands near the waterfront, ready to be used as a platform to summon the Islamic faithful to daily prayer. Because of its ancient trading heritage, people from many backgrounds and faiths gather peacefully together in Harambe.

During the 1800s, Harambe and its upcountry were explored and colonized by various European powers, including the British (note the post box above). By the end of the 19th century, Harambe's importance as a trading town had declined. Independence was finally achieved in 1961 (The word "Uhuru" inscribed on the bench below means "Freedom").

Today, bananas, phosphate mining, coffee and safari tourism are the economic mainstay of the town. Visitors come from all over the world to tour the nearby Harambe Wildlife Reserve, an 800 square mile protected animal sanctuary stretching inland from the coast. Many of the businesses in Harambe rely on that eco-tourism to survive, yet the explosive growth of enterprise and population continually threaten the area's wildlife and wild places. This is the core conflict at the heart of the Harambe story... and one faced in real Africa every day.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for all the great backstory on Harambe, Shawn! This is my favorite part of Animal Kingdom, and I love all of the additional details you are sharing. Have a great week! @hubsterdisney
