Hello! Welcome to My Park!

Let's step inside Muppet Labs for a demonstration of Muppet*Vision 3-D. Acclaimed scientists from all over the world have been invited to come work here. Unfortunately, none of them showed up. Instead, we're left with an assortment of frogs, pigs, bears, penguins, and whatevers... and one of the funniest attractions in Disney Parks history.

One could spend plenty of time in the pre-show alone, admiring the many details that fill the space. From crates and barrels:

To actual props and puppets used in the production of the Muppet*Vision 3-D film. These fellows can be seen in the grand finale sequence, "A Salute to All Nations (but mostly America)":

Of course, not everything is in 3-D here:

And be sure to look high and low and around every corner. There's humor to be found everywhere. For example, just leaning against the wall behind this drum of banana puree is the lid of a crate. It almost looks like it was just shoved back there and forgotten, but read the stencil, and you know it's there on purpose: "Property of Mikey's TV Rental - It Fell Off the Truck - If It Works, Good Luck!"

Somewhat more well-known, but still fun is this item suspended above the entrance to the pre-show area. For all you 1950s Mickey Mouse Club fans... it's A net, full of Jello!

Finally, high above the middle of the space is this large photo of a Muppet character which bears a striking resemblance to Jim Henson, the Muppet creator himself.

But even here there is more than meets the eye. The small, black engraved sign visible in the lower, left-hand corner of the photo might appear to just be some functional notice for Cast Members or Maintenance personnel. Take a closer look, though. You'll see it reads, "Structure Not Designed to Hold Humans. Muppet Rats Only!"

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