Storming the Barn

With farming not panning out all that well for him, Goofy has branched out, converting his barn into a workshop for his Barnstormer Crop Dusting business. To raise a little extra cash, not to mention pick up a pointer or two, Goofy has also leased out a portion of the barn to Fido's Fearless Flight School. Pictures of Fido's illustrious faculty adorn the wall. Bold Yeller, Kitty Hawk, Amelia Airedale and others teach potential pilots the ins and outs of tail spins, dogfighting and landing on all fours.

Just around the corner is Goofy's workshop. Here among models of some of his previous attempts at experimental aircraft, you can see the plans for his latest creation, the Multiflex Octoplane.

The plans clearly spell out how the plane is to be operated by chipmunk power (or slingshot, if the chipmunks fail to cooperate). There's also an ingenious braking system, in the way of putting your feet down through the floorboard. Look closely at the plans, and you'll also notice the scale (Gawrsh If I Know) and the fact that the emergency escape parachute has been cut for budgetary reasons.

Stored nearby are all manner of flying paraphernalia. Goofy has cut no corners in investigating various ways to get his venture off the ground. Everything's here from chickens to air sick bags. There are parts of parts and parts that don't fit, air pockets and a pair o' chutes. You may even notice a certain nanny's carpet bag. Why not? She was practically perfect at the whole flying thing.

Now, if all this makes you a little nervous to fly with Goofy, that's where the Chicken Exit comes in:

For the brave of heart, though, just head up past the barn to the hangar with the wind sock, errr... pants on top. That's where you can be among the first to test out the amazing new flying machine, the Multiflex Octoplane.

You'll soar! You'll dash! You'll dive! You'll... crash through the barn, just as Goofy apparently did before you on his initial flight. Oh well, as the Goof always says, "If at first you don't succeed, fly fly again!" Yahoo-hoo-hooey!!!

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