Hotel Employees Only

"Before you check in to a deserted hotel on the dark side of Hollywood, be sure you know just what kind of vacancy you're filling, or you may find yourself..." wandering through some employees-only sections of the Hollywood Tower Hotel.

As Guests experiencing The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror leave the Library, they immediately know they've crossed over into "a land of both shadow and substance." The sudden side trip into the boiler room in the basement of the hotel is unnerving. From here on out, who knows what to expect!?

On your way through the boiler room to the service elevators, pause a moment to listen to the sounds coming from the furnace or to admire the details of the maintenance man's workstation. I especially enjoy the radio and authentic period packaging of the products on his shelf.

After the adventure in the service elevator returns you from beyond the fifth dimension, you come face to face with the photographic evidence of your journey. "Picture if you will..." something more than just what's on the screens. This corner of the attraction is rich with detail. Up front, you may notice the shelf stocked with spare or replacement items, such as the two televisions, for rooms in the hotel.

Step closer, and peruse the various items posted on this employee information board:

Just past the counter is a stack of storage shelves containing everything from extra radios, clocks and rugs to vacuum cleaners used by the housekeeping staff. That is, they were used at one time. The thickness of the dust tells us we've definitely returned from The Twilight Zone to the long-abandoned hotel.

Look to the left, and you'll spy a maintenance workshop:

While on the right are the desks of the hotel's reservationist and telephone operator:

Turn the corner, and just as suddenly as you ended up in employee areas, you find yourself once again in the public spaces of the hotel.

"A warm welcome back to those of you who made it..."


  1. These are some great details that I have missed trying to get through the crowds. Thanks for the heads-up of what to look for next time through the Tower of Terror. On our last trip we had fun when the boy decided he did not want to ride. As we went through the Chicken Exit he was shocked to find that we still took an elevator ride to get downstairs. It was a little calmer than the main ride, but the whole back corridor trip was fun.

  2. Shawn,

    Where is all this stuff? I've never seen any of it on any of my trips. I must have been in outer space or somewhere!

    Thanks for another great blog!

  3. The first three shots were taken in the Boiler Room, the section of the queue between the Library pre-show and the load point for the elevators. The rest of these scenes are all tucked away in that space at the end of the ride where you first see your on-ride photo. Instead of just looking for yourself on the overhead monitors, step closer and look around the area. There's lots to discover!
