Next Stop: The Twilight Zone

One stormy night long ago, a group of people stepped onto an elevator and directly into... The Twilight Zone.

It was Halloween 1939. The Hollywood Tower Hotel in the Sunset Hills district was buzzing with activity. People were checking in, heading to parties, enjoying dinner or room service, when all of a sudden it happened. A bolt of lightning struck the tower, causing an entire wing to vanish, along with all the occupants of the hotel.

The hotel, once the ultimate hot spot in Hollywood, was boarded up and abandoned. Years later, those who dared venture inside discovered an eerie sight. Everything here, from the front desk to a mahjong game in progress, was left just as it was in the moment when the event occurred.

Today, unsuspecting Guests approaching the Hollywood Tower Hotel might be led to believe that the hotel is still in operation. Sure, the upkeep seems to be lacking, but the Bellhops are right there as before to help you to your room. As you step past the monument marquee, though, you may not notice that the sign behind you starts to glow and shift. Your next stop? The Twilight Zone.

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