The Knight Armory

Across the way but equally close to the castle is Sir Mickey's, a shop with two distinct identities, the first of which we'll explore today. The southern wing of the shop continues the French Gothic look of Cinderella Castle and is home to the Armory, outfitting the brave Knights whose task it is to defend the Kingdom.

Some of those Knights can be seen just outside, in the form of Donald Duck and his mischievous nephews. They're leaving their own armor at the door, as instructed. On the wall hangs a banner, warning of a giant at large. Huey has irreverently scribbled a mustache on the face of the giant, but we should take heed. The big guy may just "pop up" later on in the Sir Mickey's story.

Inside the Knights' keep, the decor is decidedly masculine, quite different from nearby Castle Couture. Heavy beams and candle-filled iron chandeliers dominate the room. Scattered about are a selection of shields, armor and weaponry awaiting use.

A door at one end of the room bears a crest featuring a two-headed eagle, an ancient heraldic image symbolizing strength and courage. The Knights will need plenty of both if they plan to defend against that giant. Of course, I understand that he who vanquishes said giant will earn fifty golden pazoozahs and the hand of the fair Princess Minnie!

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