The Day the Sky Fell

With each new Disney animated feature, some sort of promotion is typically done to support the film within the Disney Parks. Over the years, these promotional opportunities have ranged from new parades and shows to the introduction of characters from the film. For the launch of Chicken Little in 2005, the star of the movie and his best friend Abby Mallard began making regular appearances at Disney's Hollywood Studios.

Just to make sure no one missed the fact that the movie was coming out, the entire east face of Stage 5 (the Playhouse Disney theater) was repainted for the occasion with an enormous sky backdrop. Adding to the effect were an inflatable Chicken Little on the roof and a hexagonal piece of the "sky," planted on the ground nearby as if it had recently fallen there.

Chicken Little and Abby have since returned to their lives in Oakey Oaks, rarely making appearances in the Parks. The film's title on the side of the building has also long been painted over, but the image of the sky remains as a backdrop for the Hollywood Brown Derby restaurant.


  1. "Nobody loves a chicken." -- Walt Disney

  2. Patrick, if the context of your quote usage is what I think it is, you just did something mean-spirited, IMO.

  3. Anonymous, my reference is to a movie Disney was planning to do about a chicken (rooster). The story department got very far into pre-production, even storyboarded it. Everyone was excited about the project and after a long story meeting Walt nixed it.

    On the way out the door the only reason he gave for killing the project was the quote I did above.

    I don't see that as mean-spirited, it's just a Walt story. Maybe you're thinking of something different that I don't understand or know about.
