Bazaar Treasures

Under the roof of the Adventureland Bazaar, vendors from far and wide gather to set up shop and peddle their wares. Inside, diverse booths and kiosks offer a wide range of merchandise... along with a rich panorama of props and detail.

The Bazaar is also where you'll find a variety of interesting devices. Take Rajah's Mint (below), for example. It produces Adventureland-appropriate versions of the popular pressed penny souvenirs, but this temple of treasure presses pennies with pizazz! Activate one of the sides of the device, and the elephant statue on top rears back and stamps down on its anvil, releasing your newly-minted souvenir into the basin below.

Nearby is a tiny alcove, inside which inquisitive shoppers will discover a bit of Moorish metalwork, labeled "Aladdin's Other Lamp." According to the tapestry hung here, "Whosoever rubs the lamp (and places coins in the slot below) shall receive the wisdom of the Genie and have their future revealed." Sounds promising, no?

Do as it suggests, and you'll hear the voice of the "Genie" (a guy named Harry and sometimes his wife), predicting a fabulous future of fame and riches, inventing a three-humped camel or even having adventures in... well, in Adventureland. So maybe this so called "Genie" isn't quite the prognosticator he claims to be. He's just another huckster taking advantage of fortune seekers wandering the Bazaar. As Harry likes to say, "There's a seeker born every minute!"

Elsewhere in the Bazaar, you might come across the booth of Dr. Nedley Lostmore. Now known as Shrunken Ned, it appears Lostmore lost more than he bargained for on his adventures. Now, he resides here as Head Shrink of the jungle. For a modest fee, he'll diagnose your "condition" and dispense a prescription card.

Card souvenirs like this, from "the jungle's only self-service witch doctor," have been very popular at Disneyland over the years. It's just another of the seemingly infinite number of treasures one can find by exploring the Adventureland Bazaar.

1 comment:

  1. Shawn-
    I really like this series of posts you're doing on the shops in Disneyland! Because I'm only in Disneyland for a day or 2 every couple years, I'm always running around the park trying to hit every attraction and never giving myself much time to leisurely stroll the stores. So, thanks again!!
