Hunky Tuna Tostada!

The majority of the storytelling details I've shared on the blog have been visual in nature, but occasionally the Imagineers slip in some audio treats for Guests willing to take their time and linger.

At the conclusion of The Enchanted Tiki Room: Under New Management, a worse-for-wear Iago is perched above the "AutoMagic" exit doors, his humorous commentary continuing even as the audience files out of the theater. Hang back after everyone else has left, and you'll hear what may be one of the funniest lines of the show:

"I'm tired! I think I'll head over to the Hall of Presidents and take a nap."

Apologies to fans of the Hall of Presidents (granted, the present version of that show is quite a bit more engaging than the version which preceded it), but the line fits Iago's character perfectly and is a great bit of self-deprecation on the part of the Imagineers.

Another wonderful example of a subtle audio detail can be heard at the Haunted Mansion. When the attraction was refreshed a few years ago, one of the enhancements included a completely new sound system and auditory experience for the Stretching Room scene. In the updated version of the show, walls creak, wind howls through the halls and the voice of our Ghost Host seems to float around the room.

Once a way out of the Stretching Room is revealed, most Guests are happy to beat a path to the Doom Buggies to continue their tour. Wait around for a bit, though, and you'll hear something more. A raspy, ethereal voice whispers a haunting, "Get out." It's decidedly creepy and gives me goosebumps just writing it.

So just as it pays to sometimes sit through the credits of a movie like Iron Man (or Iron Man 2) for an extra treat of a scene, Disney's park attractions offer their own bits of added fun from time to time.


  1. I too am a 'lingerer' and have been treated to many extra goodies as a result! Good to know the art of lingering is alive and well with other Disney fans.

  2. Another 'lingerer' here as well! But on the topic of the creepy HM voice, (I'm not 100% sure), I have read that it was for a proposed effect where the Stretching Room gargoyles would spring to life at one point and interact with the guests. The voice is what was left from the experiment. And if you also strain your hearing a bit, there's also a raspy repeat of the Ghost Host's "stay together", before some childlike laughing and then the 'get out'. :)

  3. I don't like any of the recent new Hall of Presidents shows myself. The original version was a lot more focused and much less pretentious...but I digress...

    I'm surprised you missed an even better audio surprise from the Tiki Room. If you wait, you get to hear the very last line which is Joses "Nobody laid an egg but me." This is cool on two levels, one it's a hidden tribute to a line from the original show and second even though it's in a different spot in the show (originally Jose said it after "Let's All Sing Like the Birdies" concluded) it still makes sense.
