My How Time Flies!

On March 9, 2009 - exactly one year ago - I ventured into the blogosphere with the goal of sharing with my fellow Disney fans some of the stories, heritage and details of the Disney Parks. You can go back and check out that initial post here. I had no idea at the time if anyone would even find my blog, much less read and enjoy it.

Since that time, the response has been humbling. It amazes me that more than 4000 people per month read these musings, and that nearly 1000 of you follow what I have to say on Twitter. I realize those numbers probably pale in comparison to some of the larger sites, but I can tell you I appreciate every last one of you. From your gracious comments online to the kind words of those I've had the privilege to meet in person, it's been great fun sharing our passion for all things Disney.

While that may sound like some sort of "farewell" statement, it's not. Like my son Riley in the picture above (taken three years ago at Epcot), I'm still figuring out how to walk on here. There's much more I want to share with you. In fact, I'm working on transitioning much of the content of this blog to a website, where it will be even easier to search and access. That site will also give me the opportunity to deliver other, richer content. So stay tuned. I'm just getting started!


  1. Great idea to transition your fantastic Disney articles to a full-featured website! I look forward to seeing what new things are to come!

  2. Bring it on Shawn! Cant wait.

  3. Congratulations on your milestone. I just stumbled upon your blog recently & I'm really enjoying it. . . I'm in the process of reading all the archived articles. Keep up the good work! All of us obsessed Disneyworld fans thank you for all the information you can share with us!

  4. I love your blog! Thanks for posting!

  5. Shawn, thank YOU for the great blog! It is one of a mere handful that I check daily, ever since you told me about it at the Studios 20 event last May. I look forward to what the future holds for your online hobby.

  6. Look forward to the new site. This blog has been a favorite since I found it. Thanks for all your efforts to bring us the details we sometimes overlook.

  7. Looking forward to many, many more posts from you, Shawn!

    Even us Disney nerds can't get enough of the information you share each time you tweet or post!

  8. Congrats, Shawn!

    Looking forward to the future of your blog/site.

  9. I have really enjoyed your blog over the last year. Can't wait to see what the future hold. Keep up the great work!

  10. Congrats on your first birthday, Shawn! ;) I can't tell you how much I enjoy your writings. The back-stories are, to me, as much fun as the front! The history, the decisions, and the details you share with us are almost enough to keep me from complaining that I'm not at WDW right now... almost. ;) Keep 'em coming. And if you're going to be at MK in late August, let's meet for a Dole Whip!

  11. Happy Birthday... to your blog!
    Great stuff you've got going here, and I always enjoy reading your articles. I look forward to seeing what you've got planned.
